supernatural ruby actress

Supernatural ruby actress

Ruby was a demon devoted to Lucifer 's return. After Azazel 's death, she conspired with Lilith as to how they would free Lucifer from his cage : while Lilith broke the sealsRuby protected the remaining " special child " Sam Winchester and prepared him to break the final seal and supernatural ruby actress the host to Lucifer, supernatural ruby actress. This plan was known only to herself and Lilithcausing Ruby to be regarded as a traitor by Hell.

This is because the series primarily follows only the two central characters, Sam Jared Padalecki and Dean Winchester Jensen Ackles , meaning that, like with "The X-Files," having a bevy of side characters who come and go is essential. As such, she fulfilled the same role as Meg in that she could occasionally be an ally but was generally seen as a villain. However, she also followed Meg's example in another way when her role was recast with a different performer. Of course, in the series, these developments were explained away by the demon simply choosing to possess a new host. Behind the scenes, though, the actor said that the switch-up happened because Warner Bros.

Supernatural ruby actress

Supernatural did not see favored cast member Katie Cassidy return after season 3, and the reason why could be one of two explanations. In the third season of the long-running sci-fi series, Cassidy originated the character of Ruby, a demon who tried to tear the Winchester brothers apart while pretending to be an ally. Ruby was a fan favorite, but she was one of many characters who did not stick around for the entirety of Supernatural 's existence — a decision that eventually hurt the show. The CW drama revolved around two brothers, Dean and Sam Winchester , who battled different monsters from episode to episode in a thrilling blend of intriguing performances, humor, and witty scriptwriting. An alliance between Ruby and Sam then formed when she promised to help save his brother. Dean had made a deal with a demon to resurrect Sam, and for most of season 3, the brothers looked for ways to break away from the deal, but in the end, Dean died and went to Hell. Katie Cassidy was the first of two actors to play Ruby in Supernatural , and while she admitted to loving her time with the cast, she still decided to leave. The show's creators cited budget limitations as the reason for the actress's short-lived stint as Ruby, claiming that they could no longer afford to pay her via TV Guide. The initial reception toward Cortese taking over the role of Ruby after season 3 was largely negative, with critics describing her performance as underwhelming. Ruby eventually died in the season 4 finale, "Lucifer Rising," but that wasn't the end of Cortese's involvement with the show. Related: Why Jeffrey Dean Morgan's John Winchester Left Supernatural Katie Cassidy was the first of two actors to play Ruby in Supernatural , and while she admitted to loving her time with the cast, she still decided to leave.

And if you let me, there might be something in it for you. She'd go on to marry series star Jared Padalecki and return to the show in season supernatural ruby actress as a guest star in "The French Mistake.

Samantha is a writer based in Los Angeles. Television is her one true love, and she tweets about it. A lot. Ruby was a good demon before it was cool. Sure, in the end, she betrayed Sam, but before then, she saved the Winchesters more times than we can count. As a character, Ruby and her nifty demon-killing knife was introduced in Supernatural 's third season, played by Katie Cassidy. But when Cassidy left the show, Genevieve Padalecki — then Genevieve Cortese — took over the role in season 4.

This is because the series primarily follows only the two central characters, Sam Jared Padalecki and Dean Winchester Jensen Ackles , meaning that, like with "The X-Files," having a bevy of side characters who come and go is essential. As such, she fulfilled the same role as Meg in that she could occasionally be an ally but was generally seen as a villain. However, she also followed Meg's example in another way when her role was recast with a different performer. Of course, in the series, these developments were explained away by the demon simply choosing to possess a new host. Behind the scenes, though, the actor said that the switch-up happened because Warner Bros. While Eric Kripke , who created "Supernatural" and served as its showrunner for the first five seasons, cited budgetary reasons for Katie Cassidy's exit, both accounts could be true. For instance, Warner Bros. Either way, however, Cassidy was given the option to stay or go after Season 3, and she chose to leave to take on a role in the CBS murder mystery "Harper's Island. As for Genevieve Padalecki, whose last name was Cortese at the time, she played the character in Season 4 of "Supernatural," becoming more than just an in-show love interest for Padalecki's Sam.

Supernatural ruby actress

Created by the writers to expand on the characterization of demons within the series, she first appears in the third season, wherein she assists series protagonists Sam and Dean Winchester in fighting her fellow demons. By the fourth season, she has won Sam's trust and begins training him to kill demons with his psychic powers, though Dean remains fearful of ulterior motives. The character is killed at the end of the fourth season. In the fifteenth season, Ruby returns through flashbacks and a visit to the Empty, the angels' and demons' afterlife.

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When the depths of her betrayal was revealed in "Lucifer Rising", she tried to comfort and reassure him with promises that he had done the right thing, even when she no longer needed to pretend she was on his side though this may have been to ensure that he said 'yes' as Sam would cease to exist if he were to be possessed by Lucifer. Ruby eventually died in the season 4 finale, "Lucifer Rising," but that wasn't the end of Cortese's involvement with the show. He fed on Ruby's blood and it was implied they had sex. After learning that Ruby had the Occultum before her death, Castiel visits the demon in The Empty , awakening her in the process. And if you let me, there might be something in it for you. When he listened to the fake voice message "Dean" probably Zachariah left him, Ruby was watching from behind him with a smug, calculating smirk which changed to comforting and supportive as soon as Sam turned back towards her, resigned and giving her permission to kill Cindy. And so I feel like it's always been out there. Use limited data to select advertising. Supernatural Wiki. Retrieved She was also impatient and ill-tempered when her suggestions were not used, as seen when she simply left the brothers to fend for themselves against an onslaught of demons when they refused her plan. All the demons out for my head, no one knew. However, they are ambushed by demons working for Anael and discover that she lied and it was a trap.

Supernatural did not see favored cast member Katie Cassidy return after season 3, and the reason why could be one of two explanations. In the third season of the long-running sci-fi series, Cassidy originated the character of Ruby, a demon who tried to tear the Winchester brothers apart while pretending to be an ally.

Ruby states that she can give Castiel the location which is not in Hell after all. The show's creators cited budget limitations as the reason for the actress's short-lived stint as Ruby, claiming that they could no longer afford to pay her via TV Guide. In Inherit the Earth , Ruby appears in the flashback sequence at the end. During Criss Angel Is A Douchebag , while Sam was alone in his and Dean's motel room, Ruby confronted him and accused him of wasting time with minor hunts, as Lilith has already broken over half of the seals. Start a Wiki. She dropped to the floor dead, but with her mission accomplished: Lucifer was freed from his cage. Ruby confessed that she lived "back when the Plague was big" and that after being in Hell was not able to remember who you used to be. As such, she fulfilled the same role as Meg in that she could occasionally be an ally but was generally seen as a villain. To fulfill her part in his plan, she went to a crossroads and burnt her hex-bag, exposing her location to Alastair, who denounced her for protecting an angel. Cancel Save. She and the Winchesters placed Anna inside the demon-proofed panic room at Bobby's house for safe-keeping. Newsletter Sign Up. Tracy Stark. Aren't you confirmed? While Ruby was still trying to convince Sam to say yes to Lucifer, Dean burst in and stabbed her with her own knife while Sam held her in place, despite her telling Dean that it was too late.

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