who is rachel in house of cards

Who is rachel in house of cards

By providing your information, you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. We use vendors that may also process your information to help provide our services. Quick recap [Spoilers ahead for Seasons ]: Rachel Posner played by the superb Rachel Brosnahan was a former call girl who Doug hired to seduce Peter Russo Corey Stall into drinking again, who is rachel in house of cards, thus ruining his chance to become governor and eventually leading to his death at the hands of Frank Underwood. What do you think?

Rachel Posner is a character in the hit political drama series "House of Cards. At first glance, Rachel may seem like a peripheral character in the grand scheme of things. After all, she operates on the fringes of society, unseen and unheard by those in power. However, as the series unfolds, we begin to realize the importance of her character and the ways in which she serves as a cog in the Underwoods' political machinery. Through an analytical lens, we can draw upon several high-minded concepts to understand Rachel's role in the narrative. One such concept is power dynamics.

Who is rachel in house of cards

Rachel Posner was a former prostitute who had a relationship with Doug Stamper. Rachel is from just outside Lynchburg, Virginia. She dropped out of Lorimer High School during her sophomore year and ran away from home after refusing to testify against her physically abusive father. Peter Russo hired Rachel for a night in early January , where he was arrested for DUI with her in the passenger seat. During this encounter he pays Rachel separately for her to sleep with him. Later, Doug and Rachel met again. Rachel revealed that she was having hard times, so Doug asked Nancy Kaufberger if Rachel could move in with her. Nancy consented. Stamper defends Rachel against a sleazy boss who tried to approach her sexually. The boss had fired Rachel after she refused his advance. Doug then threatens the boss by saying he will have him convicted of felonies for using undocumented workers if he does not hire Rachel back.

The Verge.

But then Stamper ends up hiring Rachel Posner to sleep with him. Later, she contacts him again, saying that she needs his help. In later episodes, we find out that Rachel is dealing with a boss who fired her after she refused his sexual advances. Stamper sets Rachel up with a new apartment and a new job as a waitress. By Season 2, Doug Stamper has fallen madly in love with Rachel, frequently going to visit her and making her read to him. Stamper intentionally isolates Rachel, and he seems to want to keep her away from other relationships so that she falls in love with him. Still, she ends up forming a relationship with a woman named Lisa, beginning to attend church with her.

Peter Russo run for governor of Pennsylvania instead of the character he originally envisioned. I was hungry for it. Brosnahan has had an appetite for story since she can remember, and her resume displays a feast of rich roles. The first season revealed that Posner dropped out of high school as a sophomore and strongly implied that her father abused her. Season 2 sees Posner push back against Stamper and attempt to create a life of her own. They are fighting for agency in their lives and having varying degrees of success. I think she is incredibly powerful, and I think she is underrated. I found I could so easily imagine those worlds.

Who is rachel in house of cards

But then Stamper ends up hiring Rachel Posner to sleep with him. Later, she contacts him again, saying that she needs his help. In later episodes, we find out that Rachel is dealing with a boss who fired her after she refused his sexual advances. Stamper sets Rachel up with a new apartment and a new job as a waitress. By Season 2, Doug Stamper has fallen madly in love with Rachel, frequently going to visit her and making her read to him.

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Critics' Choice Television Awards. Published May 29, at pm. En route, Rachel strikes Doug with a rock, leaving him for dead, and disappears. Deadline Hollywood. More From IndieWire. What's alarming, however, is the sheer darkness of the fatalities. In , Brosnahan launched the production company Scrap Paper Pictures. Search Icon. It is her involvement with Russo that would haunt her life up to her death. Ignoring how long he had at home before tracking Rachel down in Arizona, Doug still had to sit with her on an excruciatingly long car ride, listening to her plead for her life from the back seat. We use vendors that may also process your information to help provide our services. Doug just doesn't let her alone. Sign in to edit. She becomes the one person who he confides in and genuinely cares about beyond the realm of politics. He is infatuated with her — admitting in AA that he was addicted to her like he was to alcohol.

By providing your information, you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. We use vendors that may also process your information to help provide our services.

CBS News. Sign in to edit. She has no friends. Season 3. Retrieved December 8, Search for: Search Icon. Screen Talk. Doug eventually finds and attacks Gavin and obtains Rachel's whereabouts, traveling to New Mexico and stalking her before kidnapping her. Rachel Brosnahan born July 12, is an American actress. In later episodes, we find out that Rachel is dealing with a boss who fired her after she refused his sexual advances. Rachel runs to live in a small town in New Mexico where she is wary of everything.

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