Armageddon steel legion

Forgot your password? Scrroollll down. Nice to see those again. I'm tempted.

GW has been putting some older Guard squads on MTO pretty regularly, but this time they say it will be the final such one for the metal Armageddon Steel Legion Squad miniatures boys. The valiant men and women of the Armageddon Steel Legion are finally getting the peaceful retirement they deserve. If you love this old kit, you better grab as many as you want now! Meaning they have a shipping delay of 35 days. Plus, they are only available to order until November 8th, and you can order them here. Or, GW could always just be clearing out of these because they feel like it.

Armageddon steel legion

Check the Tactics Corner for more great articles! Hey guys and girls, BigVik here with the next in my series of articles highlighting list builds for the Armageddon Steel Legions! These guys are mechanized infantry all the way, they field lots of small squads with an abundance of special weapons to make every squad capable of getting the job done, and have extended rapid fire range, making them quite sure that the maximum utility will be gained from those plasma guns! Between the commanders and astropaths you have tons of support to ensure your guardsmen can get maximum use out of those special weapons they brought. The leman russes open up cans to ensure the other weapons can get to the creamy filling inside, while the sentinels and ratlings keep deep strikers from getting too close to your line on turn 1. Though there is not an abundance of special weapons, the abundance of boxes with guns on them creates a situation where there is an absurd abundance of strength 6 and 7 shots, backed up by orders, and ignoring cover from the astropaths, you can force saves to such a degree that the one unit that NEEDS to die, will do so, and an abundance of single units means it will be very hard to wear your list down before the end of the game, making this list extremely good at taking and holding objectives. What its Strengths are: This is a mission playing list, you need an objective? You got it, surround it with boxes, run a bunch of dudes over to the marker to keep your opponent our of range, and win those missions! Between all of these skill of both the player and the opponent becomes the primary strength and weakness of this army, if you want to try an army like this, make sure you get some reps in as I can see this becoming a monster on the board, but only when properly fielded, otherwise, as I said before, it can get picked apart. That being said, I love the mechanized infantry theme of this list, I want to see what you guys would build with this Regiment, post in the comments! And as always, Frontline Gaming sells gaming goodies at a discount, every day! Come on BigVik!

Ork Roks hollowed-out asteroids with crude steering mechanisms smashed into Armageddon's surface and disgorged massive hordes of Greenskins. Recently Browsing armageddon steel legion members No registered users viewing this page.

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Check the Tactics Corner for more great articles! Hey guys and girls, BigVik here with the next in my series of articles highlighting list builds for the Armageddon Steel Legions! These guys are mechanized infantry all the way, they field lots of small squads with an abundance of special weapons to make every squad capable of getting the job done, and have extended rapid fire range, making them quite sure that the maximum utility will be gained from those plasma guns! Between the commanders and astropaths you have tons of support to ensure your guardsmen can get maximum use out of those special weapons they brought. The leman russes open up cans to ensure the other weapons can get to the creamy filling inside, while the sentinels and ratlings keep deep strikers from getting too close to your line on turn 1. Though there is not an abundance of special weapons, the abundance of boxes with guns on them creates a situation where there is an absurd abundance of strength 6 and 7 shots, backed up by orders, and ignoring cover from the astropaths, you can force saves to such a degree that the one unit that NEEDS to die, will do so, and an abundance of single units means it will be very hard to wear your list down before the end of the game, making this list extremely good at taking and holding objectives. What its Strengths are: This is a mission playing list, you need an objective?

Armageddon steel legion

Edit this menu. You have withstood the evil savagery of the Orks, and they have left nothing for you to fear. So raise high the black banners of vengeance—now is our time. Regiments of the Imperial Guard vary widely from one world to the next. Civilization, training, and technology levels are wildly varied from one culture to the next within the Imperium, resulting in forces mounted on horseback and carrying spears next to elite troops bearing advanced grav-chutes deploying from Valkyrie Assault Carriers. Within these parameters, large formations of mechanised infantry are very uncommon within the Imperial Guard. The reason for this rarity is because the resources required to equip and maintain vast numbers of armoured vehicles are difficult to acquire, even for such personages as Imperial Commanders and Planetary Governors.

Mariner 2hp

Posted March 19, Not only are lasguns , vehicles and war machines produced at an incredible rate, but they are of exemplary quality, honed to perfection after millions of iterations. Edited March 19, by Magos Takatus. Hundreds of Armageddon infantry, armoured and artillery regiments have taken part in this perpetual siege, and their tenacity and expertise at fighting in the ash wastes has seen them fare better than many other Imperial forces. Shoot and mount up. All soldiers within the Steel Legions wear protective clothing such as trench coats, gloves and visors so as to minimise the exposure to their world's polluted atmosphere. The soldiers of the Armageddon Steel Legions require gas masks and thick, synthetic trenchcoats to protect them from their now toxic homeworld's atmosphere and thus have a uniform which is a composite of many different elements. Ah the campaign that got me to 40k. While the Ork fleet arrived in the Armageddon System, Commissar Yarrick had taken command of the Imperial forces on Armageddon itself and hastily organised a plan to prepare for the coming invasion. Kaiju Soze Posted March 20, They look so good and I am soo tempted.

You have withstood the evil savagery of the Orks, and they have nothing left for you to fear.

If GW released them at a reasonable price I'd be tempted, but I think we all know they won't. The leman russes open up cans to ensure the other weapons can get to the creamy filling inside, while the sentinels and ratlings keep deep strikers from getting too close to your line on turn 1. The defenders of Port Cassell were ill-equipped to face an armoured assault, and the capital's main gate soon fell to the Loyalists. No, are utterly forgotten and now discontinued as of this year. Within these parameters, large formations of mechanised infantry are very uncommon within the formations of the Imperial Guard. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. It will be awesome to have a tank larger than a Russ, hopefully, the new model will be kick-ass! Few other Guardsmen could have accomplished such a feat, and the banner of the th received a blessing from Sisk's Ecclesiarchy high cleric in honour of their bravery. Scribe Posted March 20, Kleist split his forces into two columns, with the smaller sent to capture the city's spaceport and communications centre, and the larger led by Kleist himself to assault the Divine Palace of the Supreme Pontiff. Check the Tactics Corner for more great articles! Sign In Register.

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