Highwood pass webcam

Updated: March 6, Print Report. March 7th: Grooming on Wednesday night under clear sky's with with negative temperatures reaching into the high teens by highwood pass webcam of the grooming shift.

Kananaskis Mountain Rescue maintains 4 weather stations in K-Country. To find them:. Allen close to the Centennial Trail. Bragg Creek Trails maintains a weather station in the West Bragg parking lot. The Calgary Amateur Radio Association maintains webcams in some interesting places. They have two on Pigeon Mountain, one looking east towards Yamnuska, and one looking west towards Canmore. They have one up at Fortress looking north up the Kananaskis Valley with a nice view of Mt.

Highwood pass webcam


Penstock Loop Snowshoe. Groomed : Mar 03 Track Set : Mar 03 4.


Updated: March 10, Print Report. March 10th: Cloudy skies on Saturday night with a light snowfall starting just before midnight. By the end of grooming an hour later, about 1 cm had accumulated. Scattered flurries over the last week have brought 10 to 20 cm's of snow. Intermittent winds and strong sunshine lately will leave tree debris and snow bombs on the trail and there is a chance of downed trees. There will be some glazing of the trail, especially in sun exposed areas. After an early February melt brought many places down to ground or ice, periodic snow over the last two weeks has greatly improved the situation, allowing all trails in the system to be fully trackset as normal, the first time this winter. That being said, accumulation to date is still well below normal for PLPP this season. Some lower elevation trails have a fairly thin packed base, especially under trees at the North end. Click on the computer icon above to access the Alberta Parks report and information on individual trails if applicable.

Highwood pass webcam

Explore this Generally considered a challenging route. This is a popular trail for cross-country skiing, road biking, and snowshoeing, but you can still enjoy some solitude during quieter times of day.


Walking, snow-shoeing, and fat biking are not permitted on ski trails. Bragg Creek Trails maintains a weather station in the West Bragg parking lot. To find them: Head to Avalanche. Groomed : Feb 29 Track Set : Feb You may want to consider bringing hiking poles, micro spikes, toques, gloves and multiple layers. The Calgary Amateur Radio Association maintains webcams in some interesting places. Groomed : Mar 03 Track Set : Mar 03 4. That Fortress location also happens to be one of the UofS weather stations, too. Donate Join Us Volunteer Calendar. Come Along Exposed ground south of the Group Camp.

Highwood Pass is a scenic and popular hiking destination located in Kananaskis Country, Alberta. At an elevation of 2, meters, it's the highest paved road in Canada, and offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains, valleys, and alpine meadows.

Search Website Search this website. Footer Contact Us email: info kananaskis. Notes: Be aware of avalanche conditions. Allen close to the Centennial Trail. Intermittent high winds have mixed some debris into the new snow and there is a possibility of downed trees and snowbombs. Marsh Loop Snowshoe. The Upper Mountain cam can give you conditions on Mt. They have two on Pigeon Mountain, one looking east towards Yamnuska, and one looking west towards Canmore. Lower Lake Snowshoe. Plan for rapidly changing conditions and bring extra clothing. Still fairly thin near the Hut, increasing in snow depth with elevation. Groomed : Feb 29 Track Set : Feb 29 1. Groomed : Mar 01 Track Set : Mar Looking to head to the Canmore Nordic Centre? Canyon Snowshoe.

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