perseus greek dictionary

Perseus greek dictionary

He was, alongside Cadmus and Bellerophonthe greatest Greek hero and slayer of monsters before the days of Heracles. Because of the obscurity of the name "Perseus" and the perseus greek dictionary character of its bearer, most etymologists presume that it might be pre-Greek; however, the name of Perseus's native city was Greek and so were the names of his wife and relatives. There is some idea that it descended into Greek from the Proto-Indo-European language, perseus greek dictionary.

Classical Mythology. Sam Worthington brought a new machismo to the role of Perseus , once played with androgynous flare by Harry Hamlin. After all, Garnache's appearance was hardly suggestive of the role of Perseus which had been thrust upon him. Whoever looked at Medusa was turned into stone, but Perseus , by the aid of enchantment, slew her. To this city Perseus had repaired with the view of distinguishing himself among the combatants. To this monster Polydectes sent the young Perseus , feeling sure that he would never return home alive. It contains the eclipsing binary, Algol, and a rich cluster of galaxies.

Perseus greek dictionary

Post by bingley » Sun Aug 10, am. Post by Keesa » Sun Aug 10, pm. Post by vinobrien » Mon Aug 11, am. Post by mingshey » Thu Aug 21, am. Post by Jeff Tirey » Thu Aug 21, am. Flat Style by Ian Bradley. Privacy Terms. Quick links. Board index Textkit Community Open Board. Perseus Textkit is a learning community- introduce yourself here. Use the Open Board to introduce yourself, chat about off-topic issues and get to know each other. Perseus Post by bingley » Sun Aug 10, am For those who haven't found it already, Perseus is a great site.

It was cataloged in the 2nd century by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy and is known for the famous Perseid Meteor Shower.

Most of the following lexica are electronic editions that can be used interactively online. Others are PDF files that can be downloaded and used on your personal computer. All of these digital versions are available free of charge. Most of the works cited here are Greek-English diccionaries, but a growing number of online resources are Greek-Spanish. I have added two of these in this revision of the page.

Update May 21, The old server has now been unplugged. Rest in peace, emile. Please use the PhiloLogic4 links below. If you have been a contributor to the project, do get in touch if you'd like advanced access to old features: Leave a note in the problem reports to this effect and don't forget to give an email address. Update May 14, We did say up above, "Final Season", didn't we? No kidding. Our trusty server will be taken offline in short order.

Perseus greek dictionary

All Search Options [ view abbreviations ]. We have now completed work on Beyond Translation a draft white paper on this work that has been submitted to the NEH Office of Digital Humanities is available here and are focused on using the Beyond Translation work as part of an update to the Scaife Viewer. The resulting system will finally allow us to replace Perseus 4. We are calling the new version Perseus 6 rather than 5 to reflect the amount of work embedded in the Scaife Viewer and now Beyond Translation which we view collectively as Perseus 5. Our main collaborator in this phase of development is James Tauber , who is now working with Signum University. We also are waiting on Tufts administrative paperwork to finalize a contract with another group to help us reorganize the Perseus home and associated sub pages and replace our WordPress-based blog with the Pubpub Publishing Platform which we already began using in documenting Beyond Translation. A draft outline of the work that we are doing is now available here. For now, the focus of work is to fold the services visible on Beyond Translation into the Scaife Viewer. The first results from that work will probably be documentation, with changes to the Scaife Viewer following. In the meantime, we do not expect to update the Perseus 4 splashpage again.

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Antigone stage play. In the Spring of we received an ATI grant to develop morphological analysis for the Greek corpus, and to make it searchable. I can pick these problems out because of all the time I spent learning forms and reading Greek without Perseus. Starting from our homepage, click on the link to the full search form, where you can use the Author and Title fields or type in a standard citation at the top based on the Oxford Classical Dictionary. This initial formulation, however, would miss accusatives that are also comparatives or superlatives. The quality of the entries varies significantly. And where are the primary texts, you ask? In this case, Perseus can be a lifesaver — but it can also make mistakes! This two volume set is not designed to compete with more traditional dictionaries like the one by Danker discussed above, but to provide two things they do not: definitions and connections to other Greek words with similar meanings. Cultural definitions for Perseus. To keep abreast of developments, consider following us on Twitter: LogeionGkLat. Amphitryon , Anaxo , Perimede. Re:Perseus Post by mingshey » Thu Aug 21, am Perseus has been my primary source for greek literatures.

Orthography: Full diacritics No diacritics Transliteration. Your query: Type in any combination of criteria to formulate a new search. As you type in search fields, you will see a summary appear right here.

User corrections for a particular word or passage will have both a local impact in their context, but can point to more widespread problems, so they can have a global impact on the future accuracy of the database as a whole. If the Perseus mothership at Tufts represents a well-outfitted library carrel, with texts, commentaries, dictionaries and other resources all within your reach on the same page, then the organization of this site may come as a surprise. There are a few words of warning that I would like to give you here. The practice of writing dictionaries is called Lexicography. This menu allows you to choose whether you are matching the same word s or semantically related words — for example, bellus with pulcher, or proelia, bellum, and pugna. It is southward from Cassiopeia, and to the left of Taurus. Since the entries have been submitted by various users of the lexicon, there is a natural variation in the quality of the articles. The following studies in Greek Lexicography are available online. I particularly like that the parsed forms are given second, because it allows you to see the meaning of the word before […] Like Like. You will see a number say, 0. It might be more accurate to say instead that it gives you a meaning of the word.

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